
Combier J. and A, Montet-White eds. (2002). Solutré 1968-1998, Mémoire de la Société Préhistorique Française No. XXX.

Le Malpas Rockshelter by Anta Montet-White with chapters by M.-M. Paquereau, R. Rodgers, and J.-P. Texier, University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology No. 4, 1974. The book can be ordered from the Anthropology Department, Frazer Hall, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA

Montet-White A., H. Laville, and A.-M. Lézine (1986). Le Paléolithique en Bosnie du Nord : chronologie, environnement et préhistoire. L'Anthropologie, 90: 29-88.

Montet-White A. and A.E. Johnson (1976). Kadar: a Late Gravettian Site in Northern Bosnia. Journal of Field Archaeology 3:408-424.